Finland is taking climate action — read about climate solutions on trade and development wall calendar for 2024

The two Finnish-language magazines on trade and development policy, Kehitys and Kauppapolitiikka, issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, have published a wall calendar for 2024. The calendar presents climate solutions developed by Finnish companies with the support of development cooperation funds and, more broadly, global climate action carried out as part of development cooperation. The calendar can be ordered free of charge from the publication services of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Kollaasi kalenterin sisällöistä.

Climate change increases the incidence of extreme weather, accelerates the spread of diseases and causes problems for food production and the availability of clean water. To mitigate climate change and to adapt to its consequences, Finland cooperates with international organisations and climate funds and engages in bilateral projects.

Finnish companies export solutions that promote climate change mitigation to developing countries, for example renewable energy, efficient water and waste management and low-emission construction. Development cooperation funds are also used for supporting the climate work of local companies in the Global South. In addition, Finnish civil society organisations support local communities in areas such as climate-sustainable agriculture.

Trade and development cooperation strengthens developing countries’ own environmental and climate measures and creates markets, work and connections.

Order the calendar free of charge here (link).(Link to another website.)

The calendar is in Finnish and Swedish.


Communications unit for sustainable development and commerce